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China and Russia were emboldened following Biden's disastrous leadership

China and Russia were emboldened following Biden's disastrous leadership So what's wrong? The Defense Department delivered its annual report to Congress last week, focusing on China, with startling findings about the fallout from a bad Afghanistan.

China and Russia were emboldened following Biden's disastrous leadership

In its annual report last week on military and security developments in the People's Republic of China, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) is looking to capitalize on our disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 to undermine U.S. foreign policy.

And in 2021, the confidence of America's allies could be eroded. As the Security Partnership report highlights the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and criticizes our withdrawal, it should be a startling revelation that the need to bring US troops home after two decades of war was a serious matter. But it's hard to imagine a greater collaboration.

The manner in which he has fulfilled President Boyd has been incredible. n the withdrawal from Afghanistan and declared a resounding success, it was obvious to anyone looking past the spending that the results of such a shocking US withdrawal would embolden bad actors around the world. , one can easily argue that

That Box Taft and the withdrawal were a major calculation and that Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision to launch an all-out invasion of Ukraine just five months later was a major escalation in the eight-year war, which then-head of US European Command, Gen. Todd Walters, said. had confessed in April

That the Russian attack was carried out in Ukraine. Perhaps an attempt to capitalize on the images that might have appeared in the 1980s as a result of the post-Afghanistan environment, Dodd's annual report to Congress now only confirms this.

That the US-Afghan withdrawal at the end of the week boosts US national security and Chinese arrivals. The report states present the most consequential and systemic challenge to US national security and freedom. And the open international system is sadly what it seems  China 

that the Afghan withdrawal was not driven by strategic military objectives but rather by the Biden administration's political expediency on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 as a public relations opportunity to announce the end of the war and that the U.S. Army Homes Do they push the army into a faster timeline?

It may take decades to fully understand the strategic implications of this decision and leadership, with bad actors around the world looking on with complacency and plotting to exploit this effort for poetic fulfillment with tragic consequences. Desire to share a great victory story with the world as a leadership consultant

We often see this common mistake when leaders focus on the narrative rather than the mission and the strategy. Good leadership requires strategic vision and honest, realistic assessments. Leaders should not strive for the short term. What is the benefit of going long-term with a team on a mission in Afghanistan? Threatening the security of America and our people

As rhetoric takes precedence over the goals of a safer or more stable world in eliminating a terrorist haven, the history books will tell the story of the withdrawal from Afghanistan ahead of the 20th anniversary of Afghanistan's worst terrorist attack. American history But the negative impact of this wrong leadership decision will reverberate on American foreign policy and global stability for years to come.


China The meeting time only admitting that the prison fight with a propaganda gift tried to say yes it was a buckle. has been brought and probably signed

And when I asked about national security. Former Security Council Coordinator Admiral Kirby, now retired, spoke on Fox & Friends about it and disagreed that on any given day around the world we see these threats closely and when they develop to this extent. Where we feel our national security is at risk

So how will you do it? As you look at them, you know we have every single asset available that we did a year or so ago but we have enough and we're working to improve them every single day here. Not to mention the sitting Florida congressman.

A former Green Beret of the House Armed Services Committee himself now in the National Guard Michael Congress your reaction to the fact that he is still trying to pretend it wasn't. The greatest disaster in American military history, I know thousands of veterans across the country when they saw the trash coming from the White House from John Kirby.

So they want to tear their TV off the wall and throw it out the window, it's embarrassing. Disgusting and that's a big reason why Biden doesn't have that much credibility anymore. Yeah, when you stand in front of the world in the country and say it was a great success, it was great. But the son could have planned a better withdrawal and retreat

This makes me more aware of what they did and the problem with him saying now is that we've lost our intelligence asset, this is an update on that, we still don't have a clear picture. Also know ISIS is rebuilding Al Qaeda and I know you I hope you play this clip again

If we have another 9/11 or Pulse Nightclub or God forbid it goes to Sanford and it's just Al Qaeda. is back better than ever but bin laden's son is back like an oh kind of officer whenever I think I'd be mad for a guy like you to put his life in these people

Here's the Pentagon's own report, which is among those most on the ground. Is it China? Analysts from China Watchers have highlighted in a report how Chinese and state media blasting Taiwan and their embassies around the world pointed to the withdrawal as a U.S. Fall proof we are on the rise you better bet with us.

America will not stand by you look at what they do to their own citizens exterminating their own people will have a detrimental effect on our alliances around the world for years and they won't even admit it And that's your problem.

Don't admit that people make mistakes and are destructive because any of that admitted let's talk about another destructive because students are elites don't sit back in some cases to put them in. It is said but not by the academy itself, I am not getting a commission

And I have to graduate what the truth is that the Coast Guard Academy actually put out a number. A half dozen of their cadets made us take a step back because the army kept digging in and saying you have to shoot.

We command you that as a leader you always have to re-evaluate your orders and that was the whole prediction. that it has stopped the spread that you can't that people can get on board submarines and infect the crew regardless of whether they have

Whether or not it's still spreading makes it a personal health decision and tops the price of enlisting in the military. They cannot be in a position where they are taking out about 20,000 highly trained highly qualified members of our military.

We're going to force them to relinquish that mandate and restore these people to an armed Republican-led House. In the next defense bill, the services committee, I just hope they come to some semblance of common sense before we have to do this because they are the people.

Who are ready to die and ready to serve this country. Refusing to communicate quietly once in a while because we walk through them yes of course for the good discipline you have to charge the hill when you are told but you also have to think if it It's worth your while and it's not just political bullshit, it's real.

READ MORE: Biden's Afghan debacle has emboldened China and Russia

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