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According to the latest Fox News Poll, Trump's support in th

According to the latest Fox News Poll, Trump's support in the GOP primary race has increased, with over 50% of respondents now backing him.

According to the latest Fox News Poll, Trump's support in the GOP primary race has increased, with over 50% of respondents now backing him. The latest Fox News national survey indicates that former President Donald Trump is ahead in the Republican primary race,

According to the latest Fox News Poll, Trump's support in the GOP primary race has increased, with over 50% of respondents now backing him.

whereas President Joe Biden is still facing uncertainty among Democratic primary voters. In the survey, Republican primary voters were presented with a list of 15 potential candidates for the 2024 nomination. The results, released on Wednesday, show that Trump's lead has increased since February, and he is now 30 points ahead of Ron DeSantis with 54% of the vote compared to DeSantis' 24%.

This is a significant increase from last month when he had a 15-point lead with 43% of the vote compared to DeSantis' 28%. Other candidates failed to reach double digits, with Mike Pence in third place with 6%, followed by Liz Cheney and Nikki Haley with 3% each, and Greg Abbott with 2%. All other candidates received 1% support or less, and only 3% of voters were undecided.

According to the latest Fox News Poll, Trump's support in the GOP primary race has increased, 

DeSantis is leading by 12 points among White men with a college degree, the only demographic where Trump did not make gains. According to a Fox News poll, 60% of voters who supported Trump in the 2020 general election are backing him in the GOP primary, with 25% supporting DeSantis and 5% supporting Pence. Interestingly,

in a second-choice scenario, Trump primary voters would choose DeSantis, and vice versa for the Florida governor's primary voters. Republican pollster Daron Shaw suggests that the rumors of Trump's indictment by the district attorney in Manhattan have actually helped him among Republican primary voters,

who view the case as politically motivated. On the Democratic side, a majority (52%) of primary voters prefer someone other than Biden as the party's nominee, although 44% still support him, up from 37% in February. Biden's recent gains come from women, white voters, voters aged 45+, and white voters with no degree.

Fox News Poll, Trump's support in the GOP primary race has increased, with over 50% of respondents now backing him.

Anderson stated that there has been limited change in attitudes towards Biden over the past year, but the changes that have occurred have been positive. According to him, Biden is maintaining his position and gradually gaining more supporters. However,

the current level of support for Biden does not match the support that Trump received from GOP registered voters in February 2019 or the support that former President Obama received from Democratic primary voters in 2012.

Biden's job rating is unfavorable among registered voters by 12 points, with 44% of Democratic supporters who approve of him wanting someone else to run. Nevertheless, Biden has not yet announced his intention to run for re-election, despite the expectation that he will.

Despite concerns about electability, both Democratic and Republican primary voters are more interested in their candidate's stance on issues than their ability to win the general election.

Fox News Poll, Trump's support in the GOP primary race has increased, with over 50% of respondents now backing him.


From March 24-27, 2023, Beacon Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R) jointly conducted a Fox News Poll. The poll involved 1,007 registered voters nationwide who were selected randomly from a voter file and interviewed by live interviewers on both landlines and cellphones. The poll has a sampling error margin of plus or minus 3 percentage points for all registered voters and plus or minus 5 points for Democratic primary voters and 4.5 points for Republican primary voters.


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