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Trump addresses potential Stormy Daniels indictment in a lat

Trump addresses potential Stormy Daniels indictment in a late-night video address on Truth Social

Trump addresses potential Stormy Daniels indictment in a late-night video address on Truth Social  Previous President Donald Trump tended to his allies in a late-night video Monday, where he guaranteed he was confronting no real bad behavior in the midst of progressing lawful battles however was enveloped with another "witch chase."

Trump addresses potential Stormy Daniels indictment in a lat

In a post on Truth Social, Trump called the "four terrible, extremist, left Fair examinations of your unequaled most loved president" simply an expansion of the "most ridiculously revolting witch chase throughout the entire existence of our country."

The previous president explicitly referred to his continuous lawful battle in New York with Manhattan Lead prosecutor Alvin Bragg.

The potential charges come from a $130,000 quiet cash installment that then-Trump attorney Michael Cohen made to porno star Turbulent Daniels, whose lawful name is Stephanie Clifford, in the weeks paving the way to the 2016 official political decision in return for her quiet about a supposed sexual experience with Trump in 2006.

Trump addresses potential Stormy Daniels indictment in a lat

It's continued everlastingly with Russia, Russia, Russia; Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, and the Mueller scam," Trump said, referring to the examination of the Extraordinary Direction Robert Mueller, who researched his mission for expected conspiracy with Russia during a similar mission. "It's a flat-out shame, what's happening."

Trump added: "Recall this, with all of this work that they did on Mueller, no agreement. The response was that. It was all no arrangement."

The previous president likewise referred to the Blemish a-Lago strike, which examiners saw as characterized material and a legislative examination that eventually viewed Trump to be blameworthy of propelling or impacting the Statehouse fight on Jan. 6, 2021. He likewise referred to a call he had while serving in the White House not long after Final voting day with Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in 2020 — which he called "totally great" — and the continuous Turbulent Daniels suit, which Trump called a "coercion plot."

Donald Trump could potentially be indicted for his involvement in the hush-money payments made to Stormy Daniels, which were made to keep her from going public about an alleged affair with Trump prior to the 2016 presidential election.

In August 2018, Michael Cohen, Trump's former personal lawyer, pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations related to the payments made to Daniels and another woman. Cohen stated in court that he made the payments at the direction of then-candidate Trump and that the payments were made to influence the outcome of the election.

The Department of Justice has a policy that a sitting president cannot be indicted, but that policy is not a law and is subject to interpretation. Some legal experts argue that a sitting president could be indicted, while others believe that it would be up to Congress to pursue impeachment proceedings.

It is worth noting that Trump is no longer the sitting president, so if there is sufficient evidence to support criminal charges, he could potentially be indicted by federal prosecutors or charged by state prosecutors in New York, where the payments were made. However, it ultimately remains to be seen whether charges will be filed against Trump for his role in the hush-money payments.

 As of September 2021, there were ongoing investigations and legal proceedings related to hush payments made during the 2016 US presidential campaign, which implicated former President Donald Trump. However, whether or not he will be indicted in this case is uncertain and depends on the outcome of the investigations and legal proceedings. It's important to note that legal cases can be complex and can take time to resolve, so it may be some time before a final decision is made in this matter.

Why did Stormy Daniels get paid $130,000?

According to Daniels, she had a consensual sexual relationship with Trump in July 2006, shortly after his wife Melania gave birth to their son Barron. In the years following the alleged encounter, Daniels spoke about the affair to several media outlets but never publicly confirmed it until a 2011 interview with InTouch magazine that was never published at the time.

In 2016, just weeks before the presidential election, Daniels and her attorney negotiated a payment of $130,000 from Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, in exchange for her silence about the alleged affair. However, in 2018, Daniels sued to be released from the NDA, claiming that Trump never signed the agreement and therefore it was invalid. She later reached a settlement with Trump's team and was released from the NDA.

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