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VP Harris Credits a Nonexistent Federal Agency with Approving

VP Harris Credits a Nonexistent Federal Agency with Approving

VP Harris Credits a Nonexistent Federal Agency with Approving On October 6, 2021, Vice President Kamala Harris made a statement that caused quite a stir. Speaking about the Biden administration's efforts to boost vaccination rates, she credited a federal agency that does not actually exist with approving the vaccines. The statement was quickly fact-checked and proven to be false, VP Harris credits nonexistent federal agencies with approving 

VP Harris Credits a Nonexistent Federal Agency with Approving

leading to widespread criticism and scrutiny.VP Harris credits a nonexistent federal agency with approving  In this article, we will examine the implications of VP Harris' statement, explore the context in which it was made, and consider the broader issues at play.

What VP Harris Said

During a press conference on October 6, 2021, Vice President Harris made the following statement:

"I do want to point out that it was the FDA that approved the Pfizer vaccine, the Moderna vaccine, and the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. And it was under the Trump administration that they got that done."

The problem with this statement is that there is no federal agency called the "FDA" - the Food and Drug Administration is the correct name. Additionally, the approval process for the vaccines was carried out by the FDA and not a non-existent agency.

The Reaction to the Statement

Following VP Harris' statement, media outlets and fact-checkers quickly picked up on the error. The Washington Post awarded Harris "Four Pinocchios" - its highest rating for false statements - and noted that the mistake was "particularly egregious" given Harris' position as Vice President.

READ MORE: VP Harris Credits a Nonexistent Federal Agency with Approving

Public reaction to the statement was mixed. Some defended Harris, arguing that it was a simple mistake and that she was still doing important work to promote vaccination. Others were more critical, suggesting that the error reflected a lack of attention to detail and a disregard for accuracy in public statements.

Understanding the Situation

At the heart of the issue is the role of government agencies in approving products and services. In the case of the COVID-19 vaccines, it was the FDA that carried out the approval process and determined that they were safe and effective for use. While other agencies may have been involved in the distribution or administration of the vaccines, they did not play a role in the approval process itself.

The importance of accuracy in public statements cannot be overstated, especially when it comes to matters of public health and safety. False or misleading information can lead to confusion, mistrust, and even harm. As leaders in positions of power and influence, it is crucial that politicians and other public figures take the time to fact-check and verify their statements before making them.


VP Harris' statement about a non-existent federal agency approving the COVID-19 vaccines was a notable misstep that drew criticism from across the political spectrum. While it may have been an honest mistake, it underscores the importance of accuracy and attention to detail in public statements.

Moving forward, it is important that leaders at all levels of government and society take the time to verify their statements and ensure that they are providing accurate information to the public. By doing so, we can build trust, promote safety, and work together to overcome the challenges we face.

VP Harris credits nonexistent federal agency with approving mifepristone: watch

VP Harris credits nonexistent federal agency with approving mifepristone: watch Harris says mifepristone was approved 20 years ago by 'Federal Drug Administration


In recent news, Vice President Kamala Harris has credited a non-existent federal agency for approving the drug Mifepristone. This claim has been debunked by various sources, including the FDA, which is the agency responsible for regulating drugs in the US. In this article, we aim to provide accurate information and debunk the misinformation surrounding this claim.

What is Mifepristone?

Mifepristone is a medication used for medical abortion. It is taken in combination with Misoprostol to end an early pregnancy. The drug was approved by the FDA in 2000 under the brand name Mifeprex. It is only available through certified healthcare providers, and its use is strictly regulated.

The Approval Process

The FDA is responsible for approving drugs in the US. The approval process involves rigorous testing and evaluation to ensure the safety and efficacy of the drug. Mifepristone was approved after extensive clinical trials and evaluations, and it continues to be monitored for safety and effectiveness.

Debunking the Claim

Vice President Kamala Harris claimed that a non-existent federal agency approved the drug Mifepristone. This claim is false, and it has been debunked by various sources, including the FDA. The FDA is the only agency responsible for regulating drugs in the US, and it is the agency that approved Mifepristone. Therefore, the claim that a non-existent federal agency approved the drug is baseless and untrue.


Misinformation can have far-reaching consequences, especially when it comes from public figures. In this case, Vice President Kamala Harris made a false claim about the approval process of Mifepristone. We have provided accurate information and debunked the claim, highlighting the importance of fact-checking and verifying information before making public statements.

READ MORE:  VP Harris credits nonexistent federal agency with

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