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Independents Saw Urgency in Ousting Trump. Will They Feel the Same About Re-electing Biden?

Independents Saw Urgency in Ousting Trump. Will They Feel the Same About Re-electing Biden?

Independents Saw Urgency in Ousting Trump. Will They Feel the Same About Re-electing Biden  Donald Trump's presidency was a controversial and tumultuous one, marked by divisive policies and rhetoric that sparked widespread opposition. Despite this opposition,

Independents Saw Urgency in Ousting Trump. Will They Feel the Same About Re-electing Biden?

 Trump remained in office for four years, until the 2020 presidential election, which saw him lose to Joe Biden. But how did we get here? How did Trump's presidency end, and what role did independents play in his removal?

The Urgency of Ousting Trump

For many Americans, the urgency of ousting Trump was clear from the beginning. His policies and rhetoric were seen as harmful and divisive, and his actions were often at odds with the principles of democracy. From the travel ban on several Muslim-majority countries to the separation of families at the border, Trump's policies and executive orders were met with widespread protests and backlash.

But it wasn't just Trump's policies that caused concern. His rhetoric and behavior were also seen as dangerous, particularly in the wake of events like the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, and the storming of the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, 2021. Many Americans saw Trump as a threat to democracy and the rule of law and felt that his removal from office was necessary to preserve these principles.

The Role of Independents

Independents, or voters who do not align with a particular political party, played a crucial role in Trump's removal from office. According to exit polls, independents voted overwhelmingly for Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election, with 54% of independents supporting him compared to 41% for Trump.

READ MORE: Independents Saw Urgency in Ousting Trump. Will They 

But it wasn't just about who independents voted for. Independents also played a key role in the lead-up to the election, particularly in swing states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. These states, which Trump had won in 2016, were seen as crucial to his re-election bid. But in 2020, independents in these states turned out in record numbers, and many of them voted for Biden. This shift in the independent vote helped swing these states in Biden's favor, ultimately leading to his victory.


In conclusion, the urgency of ousting Donald Trump from office was clear to many Americans from the beginning of his presidency. His policies, rhetoric, and behavior were seen as harmful to democracy and the rule of law, and his removal from office was seen as necessary to preserve these principles. Independents played a crucial role in his removal, both in the lead-up to the election and in their overwhelming support for Joe Biden. As we move forward, it will be important to continue to engage and mobilize independent voters to ensure that our democracy remains strong and resilient.

Below is a diagram in mermaid syntax illustrating the role of independents in ousting Donald Trump:

al College is a group of people appointed by each state who elect the President and Vice President of the United States. The diagram shows that the majority of the registered voters voted for Joe Biden, which gave him the majority in the Electoral College.

The Popular Vote

The popular vote is the total number of votes cast by citizens in an election. The diagram shows that Joe Biden won the popular vote significantly.

Widespread Media Coverage

The diagram shows widespread media coverage played a crucial role in shaping public opinion.

Public Opinion

Public opinion refers to the views held by the general public on a particular issue. The diagram shows that the majority of the public had a negative opinion of Donald Trump, which influenced the outcome of the election.


The diagram shows that independents played a crucial role in the election outcome. Independents are individuals who do not belong to any political party.

Challenging Parties

The diagram shows that independents challenged the dominance of the two major political parties, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.

The Democratic Party

The diagram shows that the Democratic Party benefited from the support of independent voters, which helped them win the election.

The Republican Party

The diagram shows that the Republican Party lost the support of independent voters, which contributed to their defeat in the election.


What is the role of independent voters in the 2020 presidential election? The role of independent voters was significant in the outcome of the election. Independents challenged the dominance of the two major political parties, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.

What is the Electoral College? The Electoral College is a group of people appointed by each state who elect the President and Vice President of the United States

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