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Israel is emboldened to carry out massacres because of America's cover-up

Israel is emboldened to carry out massacres because of America's cover-up

Israel is emboldened to carry out massacres because of America's cover-up

Israel is emboldened to carry out massacres because of America's cover-up - Thousands of innocent people and innocent children were killed, and the weapons that were used, i.e. American missile parts were found to be American-made. This proves that Israel has the full support of America.

Hatred has increased in the Muslim world if this trend continues. American interests may be threatened. China and Russia do not have relations with America anyway. Russia and China can benefit from this war.

This will increase the US trade and internal losses. Israel will be very expensive for the US and the trend of the world will move away from the US and China and Russia will create gaps and appear as superpowers.

Iran's proxy war

A proxy war with the US would be a very dangerous escalation for Israel. Ours will be and this war will spread to Europe. The war between Israel and Palestine will bring the major countries into an uproar, in which massacres will increase and the world will turn into a second Armenian war. Israel will be destroyed and Meta will also be destroyed because of this war.

Effects of the war between Israel and Hamad

At the same time, the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has said in its statement that the attacks of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas on Israel are a manifestation of the full confidence of the Palestinians. There is evidence that Hamas's surprise operation and other joint tactics demonstrate the confidence of the Palestinian people against the occupation.

Global demonstrations

Demonstrations are going on around the world against the brutal Israeli attacks on food. Millions of people have demonstrated in favor of the Palestinians. In the Turkish cities of Istanbul and Koruna, people have taken to the streets. Demonstrations have also been held in Iran, Iraq, Bahrain, Yemen, and Kuwait. Demonstrations were also held in front of the White House in New York City and Washington, London, Manchester, Berlin, Germany, and the Indian city of Aligarh.

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