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With the death of the hostages, the families accuse the Israeli army of 'murder'

With the death of the hostages, the families accuse the Israeli army of 'murder'

Prisoner passings, families blame Israeli armed force for 'homicide' - The sibling of Israeli prisoner Elon Shamriz, who was killed in Gaza, has affirmed that the military 'let Elon be' and 'killed' him.

With the death of the hostages, the families accuse the Israeli army of 'murder'

As per the French news organization AFP, 26-year-old Elon Shamriz was among three Israeli prisoners who were shot by the Israeli armed forces during conflicts in the Gaza Strip on Friday, even though they were conveying white banners and They were shouting out for help in the Jewish language.

The Israeli armed force has conceded that Alon Shimriz, Yotham Haim, and Samar al-Talqa were killed when fighters confused them with danger. The burial service of Alon Shimriz was held north of the Israeli capital Tel Aviv on Sunday, where huge groups joined in. Various family members joined in.


On this event, his sibling Edo said, "The people who let you be, they killed you." Alvin Shamriz's mom said at the hour of her child's entombment, "You burned through 70 days in damnation." after a second you might have been in my arms.

As indicated by Israeli media, the killed prisoner Samar al-Talqa was let go on Saturday, while Yotham Haim's memorial service is to be held on Monday.

The demise of these three young fellows, who were in their twenties, has ignited fights in Tel Aviv. The nonconformists are requesting that the specialists embrace another system and bring back the excess 129 prisoners.

On Sunday, Israeli armed forces representative Richard said the killings were being researched and that what the fighters did was an "infringement of the principles of war."
An assertion given by the military late on Sunday expressed that as per the examination, three prisoners were present in the structure where the episode occurred.

Pictures delivered of the structure after introductory data showed proof of the three prisoners calling for help. Hamas took 1,319 prisoners, a large portion of them regular people, in the wake of going after Israel on October 7.

"It's a pity", three hostages were killed by the "mistake" of the Israeli army

"It is a profound lament", three prisoners were killed "unintentionally" by the Israeli armed forces. The representative of the Israeli armed forces has said that the examination concerning the occurrence of the killing of three prisoners of his nation in Gaza is continuous.

As per the AFP news organization, these individuals were among the people who were abducted by Hamas. As indicated by the representative, the occurrence occurred during a battle with Hamas contenders.

The representative has communicated lament over the episode and said that sympathies go out to the groups of the departed. The assertion likewise guaranteed that the examination concerning the episode would be directed in a completely straightforward way.
That's what the assertion said "During the battle with Hamas in Shejaya, a close by area of Gaza, there was a misconception about the three Israeli prisoners and they were viewed as a danger, after which the officials started shooting at them."

As indicated by the proclamation, "Illustrations have been gained from this terrible occurrence and have been passed on to every one of the battling troopers."
Israeli State Head Benjamin Netanyahu portrayed the demise of the prisoners as "deplorable distress".

Armed force representative Daniel Hargai likewise said that the Military acknowledges liability regarding the episode, we don't know whether the prisoners were delivered by the actual warriors or they got away from that point.
One of those killed was recognized as a French-conceived Israeli who was among those kept prisoner by Hamas.

Conflicts between the Israeli armed forces and Hamas contenders, who typically wear regular clothes, have heightened lately. It was declared on Wednesday that it had killed 10 Israeli warriors in 24 hours in weighty assaults.

After the assaults by Hamas on October 7, Israeli authorities said that 12 hundred individuals were killed in the assaults while 240 were abducted. Accordingly, Israel sent off a significant military activity in Gaza. The series is as yet progressing.

Wellbeing authorities in Gaza say that more than 19,000 individuals have been killed such a long way because of Israeli assaults, while fears are being communicated that a great many individuals might be covered under the rubble.

During seven days in a lengthy truce in late November, Hamas delivered 100 prisoners, including ladies, kids, and outsiders, in return for 240 ladies held by the Israeli armed forces. The people who were kept with no wrongdoing.

After the demise of the Israeli prisoners, the Israeli Head of the state Nain Yahu said "After the passing of my three friends and family, my head is bowed before the entire of Israel and I'm in a condition of profound distress."

He likewise said that he is an equivalent sharer in the despondency of the groups of the departed. More than 100 prisoners are still in Gaza, some of whom have been pronounced dead by Israeli specialists. On Friday morning, the Israeli armed forces held onto the collections of the three dead prisoners.

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