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WHO calls on China to strengthen Covid response


WHO calls on China to strengthen Covid response

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization has once again directed health officials to regularly provide T-shirt-specific and real-time information on the pan situation so that the agency can track any infections it sees. Goes how to wash my meeting.

Chinese authorities on Friday stressed the importance of transparency for the man's regular risk assessments and reported effective responses, one agency said.

that China has been asked to share more data on the number of hospital intensive care unit admissions and vaccinations; The agency has invited a Chinese scientist to a meeting of its technical advisory group to present detailed data on the sequence of the virus.

But you said you were going to be on January 3rd did you WSA people say he was fixing some country polls on the tablet. Given the lack of information from China or from Beijing at this time, it is conceivable that countries will allow Chinese travelers to oppose the ban. Rising covid-19 cases in the United States and South Korea in Asia are red flags from foreign governments and ask for all measures in 2 minutes.

Timothy Hunter is very cool to roll out cell member states to coordinate and join measures against cod-19 as china reopens its supporters meeting after Italy in early 2020 was hit hard by the first wave of epidemics

 READ MORE: Covid in China: Officials must share data on its

Mandatory covid antigen was ordered. Sampling and sequencing of viruses. This is coming from China. Similar measures have been imposed by other countries like Japan and the US. If you don't see it, thank you very much for joining us. Good afternoon.

Because any history for travelers from China stop thinking about the emergence of new beret when we feel like a better word you know where we are and where we are like all the time. What causes Covid-19 and it changes all the time


Changes do not make anyone else or anywhere more dangerous than others and are. There are different types of 7 pieces of overground so we were still on the ground and it has spread widely in China but it started spreading 3 months ago and even the Chinese government and the World Health Organization have admitted that China has lost control of this and has no idea how bad the situation is because I have pulled up all my stops to tease.

WHO They can't keep track of this situation. It's been 3 months now that it hasn't spread to the rest of the world and it seems like there's another factor in China. This very strict lockdown was brutally enforced to the point where they were almost in China about it and it caused huge damage to the economy.

So China opened up at an incredible pace and even urged people with mild symptoms to come to work. So they've done for his decisions I think he's worked in storm soda but they all listened to our ass you're right on the team so you know when you're talking. That it is spreading in China.

WHO calls on China to strengthen Covid response?

China itself is loosening some of its covid restrictions right now especially when you're coming you know the travel routes along my travel route it's not necessarily a good idea now is being considered that This time we encountered a very different trailer.

How China has behaved in the past Whenever we're talking about your covid-19, how has China's behavior made a difference to you, you started to touch on that briefly in the WHO's previous answer, you know we The lesson to be learned from this is that South Africa is a decent middle-income developing country and we need to ensure that

 That our residents are safe and we can do more by pushing people to vaccinate themselves when they actually see people within blocks. Flats they couldn't actually leave so the majority of rural China was described as medical services and public health services.


And they weren't there at all to go with 9G. And no I'll just find myself so locked in your room so I don't think we need to be about 7 years old to worry about that but it's that we need to have our public health in the countryside. Services need to be improved.

The country you knew. One of the longest lockdowns. When were the strictest restrictions can be an argument that a cousin says the lockdown didn't work do they serve other people if a country that was so straightforward is still the same as you before. What is mentioned?

China's Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak-That there is a struggle to control the virus. It doesn't work very well if you block people in buildings and I can never get out I've lost control at a distance before because I don't know what I have and I've lost control of people. The percentage of did they especially in rural areas so you can do a job

Not lock other people in their homes today which has been three years now and none of the others did and we had a very short lockdown. . But we're getting down to it, that's the other half, and it's to let people know that I have to make sure that people understand the risks that you know.

China's Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak

That there was only one series of our so-called education about where am I? Infect that there was no explanation so that people could make our system work and that's where I think we didn't get the support of the population because we lost them and the fact that there are a lot of people who were not actually vaccinated, to begin with even though we are now talking about booster shots.

And besides, you know which group of people who haven't connected yet the message is still being pushed to you. And on Saturday I mean I lost myself in a way that you know at that time I could push people to get vaccinated right now I'm hearing about boosters.

But people only some people just have an infection absolutely White's full rights you agree with Ashley anyway I've lost the plot and not many people because there's no such thing as normal fluid when we can't ignore it and live our lives. can go on with and at this time we are lucky that we are in the summer season.

So what's on the inside might be a different story so I'm very happy to get the People's Corp and quit getting vaccinated soon because you know the vaccine. And the vaccine campaign is very cheap

And how much is our bus to use I don't know what to do with all the bodies in the cities that don't have much space anymore there are so many people? Dying so I really wanted to say put my shoulders to the wheel and do something about vaccinations WHO calls on China to strengthen the Covid response

 READ MORE: Covid in China: Officials must share data on its

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