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Haley called Trump sane, when she confused him with Nancy Pelosi


Haley called Trump sane, when she confused him with Nancy Pelosi Conservative official up-and-comer Nikki Haley on Saturday addressed Donald Trump's psychological wellness after he seemed to mistake her for previous House Speaker Nancy Pelosi while discussing the January 6, 2021, assault on the US Legislative hall.

"The previous evening, Trump is at a convention and he's continuing forever referencing me a few times concerning why I didn't take security during the Legislative hall riots. Why I dealt with January 6 worse. I wasn't even in DC on January 6. I wasn't in office then, at that point," Haley said.

"They're saying he got befuddled. That he was looking at something different. That he was discussing Nancy Pelosi. He referenced me products times in that situation," the previous South Carolina lead representative added.

Haley told a horde of citizens in Keene, New Hampshire: "The worry I have is - I'm not uttering a word overly critical, yet while you're managing the tensions of an administration, we can't have another person that we question whether they're intellectually fit to make it happen."

Her remarks come after Trump said at a mission rally in New Hampshire, "Coincidentally, they never report the group on January 6. You know, Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley … did you realize they obliterated the entirety of the data, the entirety of the proof, everything, erased and annihilated every last bit of it? Every last bit of it, as a result of bunches of things, as Nikki Haley is responsible for security, we offered her 10,000 individuals, troopers, public watches, anything they desire. They turned it down."

Later Saturday, Trump flaunted about his mental capacities, saying, "A couple of months prior I stepped through a mental exam my PCP gave me … and I aced it."

"I'll tell you when I turn sour; I truly think I'll have the option to tell you. Since some time or another we turn sour," he said at a mission occasion in Manchester, New Hampshire. "I feel my psyche is more grounded now than it was a long time back."

A senior Trump crusade consultant, Chris LaCivita, posted on X Saturday, "Nancy … .Nikki … .its a differentiation without a distinction."Past mistaking Haley for Pelosi, Trump's dispute that the speaker of the House is answerable as far as we're concerned Legislative hall security isn't exact, as CNN beforehand reality checked.

"We really want individuals in their prime," Haley said in a Fox News interview Saturday. "I'm not saying that this is a Joe Biden circumstance, yet I'm saying, would we say we are truly going to proceed to have two eighty-year-olds running for president?"

A long time before Tuesday's New Hampshire essential, Haley, 52, has looked to feature her age hole with Trump, 77, and President Joe Biden, 81. She has additionally been resolved about calling for service time restrictions mental ability tests for any lawmaker beyond 75 years old.

Starting from the beginning of 2023, Haley and her partners have spent almost $28.6 million on promoting in New Hampshire, while Trump and his partners have spent about $14.4 million.

However, as of late, the hole among Haley and Trump's publicizing has restricted. Starting from the beginning of the new year, Haley and her partners have consolidated to spend about $9 million in New Hampshire, while Trump and his partners have spent about $8.5 million.

For quite a long time, Trump's mission has regarded Haley as a serious danger in New Hampshire — and the competitor himself made that unmistakable with a progression of assaults via virtual entertainment and at a meeting in the state.


what did trump say about haley that led to her questioning his mental fitness

Nikki Haley questioned Donald Trump's mental fitness after he appeared to confuse her with Nancy Pelosi during a campaign speech. At a rally in New Hampshire, Trump mentioned Haley several times in the context of the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol, implying that she was involved in handling the situation, when in fact she was not in office at that time. This led Haley to express concerns about having someone in the presidency whose mental fitness is in questio

how has haley's political career evolved since her time as governor of south carolina

Nikki Haley's political career has evolved significantly since her time as governor of South Carolina. After serving as governor from 2011 to 2017, she was appointed as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations in 2017, where she developed a reputation for being outspoken on international issues, especially concerning Iran and North Korea's nuclear programs
 Subsequently, Haley has been involved in national politics, including running for the Republican nomination for president in 2024
 This demonstrates a transition from state to international politics and her continued involvement in national political discourse

what is the current state of the republican presidential race

According to recent news, the Republican presidential race for the 2024 election is currently underway. Donald Trump, the former president, is considered the frontrunner and won the Iowa caucuses in January 2024
 Other candidates who have announced their candidacy include former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee
 However, the race is still in its early stages, and it remains to be seen who will ultimately secure the Republican nomination for the 2024 presidential election

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