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Fake Joe Biden robocall tells New Hampshire Democrats not to vote Tuesday

Fake Joe Biden robocall tells New Hampshire Democrats not to vote Tuesday -  The New Hampshire attorney general's office says it is investigating whether NBC News made an "unlawful attempt" to suppress voters after it reported a robocall impersonating President Joe Biden. Recipients asked not to vote in Tuesday's presidential primary.

"Although the voice in the robocall appears to be President Biden's, based on initial indications the message appears to be artificially generated," the attorney general's office said in a statement. "These messages appear to be an illegal attempt to disrupt the New Hampshire presidential primary election and suppress New Hampshire voters. New Hampshire voters should disregard the content of this message in its entirety."

The investigation comes after a prominent New Hampshire Democrat, whose personal cell phone number appeared on caller ID screens of call recipients, filed a complaint. How bad," the robocall phone message begins, before echoing Biden's favorite term. "It is important that you reserve your vote for the November election," the message said.

"Voting this Tuesday only enables Republicans to re-elect Donald Trump. Your vote matters in November, not this Tuesday."The message ends with the phone number of Kathy Sullivan, the former head of the New Hampshire Democratic Party who now runs a super PAC that supports a campaign to encourage New Hampshire Democrats to write in Biden's name in the primary.

Biden's name did not appear on Tuesday's ballot, a result that state election officials set as the Feb. 3 primary date before South Carolina, which will be the 2024 nominating race under new Democratic National Committee rules. The first contest is approved.

Fake Joe Biden robocall tells New Hampshire Democrats not to vote Tuesday

But local supporters began a late write-in effort to both marshal support for Biden and send a message to the national party about New Hampshire's centuries-old tradition of holding the nation's first primary.

In an interview, Sullivan said he began receiving calls Sunday evening from people who had received the message. A woman he spoke to told him that Biden had called her, though she said she was not a Biden supporter.I said, 'You got a call from Joe Biden, and he gave you my number?'" Sullivan said he responded.

A write-in effort volunteer also received and recorded the call and shared it with Biden write-in campaign organizers, Sullivan said. One of the organizers then shared it with NBC News. It is unclear how many voters received the call or what type of voters were targeted. Lists of voters' phone numbers can easily be purchased from data brokers.

And Sullivan said that while it's unclear who is behind the robocalls, "it's clear that there is someone who wants to hurt Joe Biden."I maintain that they should be arraigned to the furthest reaches conceivable, because this is an assault on the majority rules system," said Sullivan, a lawyer, who said she accepts the call could disregard a few regulations. "I won't let it go. I need to know who's paying for it. Who had some awareness of it? Who benefits?"

She said she additionally plans to draw in with government policing. Biden crusade director Julie Chavez Rodriguez said that "the mission is effectively talking about extra activities to promptly take."

Sullivan was party seat in 2002 when a supposed telephone sticking exertion was completed during a very controversial U.S. Senate race. Two conservative authorities, including the leader head of the state Conservative Faction and a Conservative Public Board of trustees employable, were indicted for utilizing PC-produced calls to disturb leftists' get-out-the-vote call focus tasks.

State authorities are revolting against the calls. Secretary of State David Scanlan said the calls "support a public worry about the impact of man-made consciousness on crusades."

Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H., said she trusts the endeavor to hose turnout for Biden will misfire.I ask Rock Staters to ensure their companions and neighbors know reality and turn out in considerably greater numbers to write in President Biden's name," she said.

The mission of Rep. Senior member Phillips of Minnesota, who is testing Biden for the designation, said it didn't know about the calls however referred to them as "fiercely concerning."Any work to deter electors is despicable and an unsuitable attack against a majority rules system," Representative Katie Dolan said. "The likely utilization of artificial intelligence to control citizens is profoundly upsetting."

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